Here's my last writings:

Growing awareness:
If you want to read my comments, you can check out these two articles: commercial supplement of Kauppalehti and another one in Aamulehti (both in Finnish). And I just gave an interview to Keski-Pohjanmaa newspaper. It seems that media has now woken up what we have known for ages: Internet is very important channel for any business!
Company news:
Naviatech won the Rising Star of the Year award (check out video) in the eZ Conference in Paris just before I started my vacation. Have to say that it felt very good to pick up the prize! I just don't get it, why media doesn't publish our press release about it? Naviatech was accepted to Yahoo! web analytics consultant network just a couple weeks ago (btw: we are the only one in Finland so far). We will also start Google Analytics training sessions with FC Sovelto pretty soon.
Upcoming events:
We will have an excellent and FREE web analytics conference in Helsinki on Tuesday 15th of September. There's already over 100 sign ups, but still plenty of room up to 300 people. You can see Geoff Galat, Aurélie Pols and me on stage plus vendors, consultants and practitioners. Sign up now!

There's also eMetrics Stockholm on October. Leading by Jim Sterne, you can hear world class presentations and speak with Steve Jackson, Lars Johansson, Vincent Kermorgant, Oliver Schiffers and me of course... : )
If you're interested in this great event, you can register with code PETRISE09 and GET 15 % OFF A TWO-DAY PASS! You can get an early bird price until 11th of September. As a blog partner (and as usual) I will write a recap of this event. See you there!
Don't be a stranger:
I will be speaking or just hanging in other events too. Stay tuned and connect me at Linkedin and follow me on Twitter (@mertanen) or Facebook. Or you can just browse through my public photo gallery. If you want an interview, article or talk about speaking arrangements, don't hesitate to email me directly.
Finnish analytics markets:
Probably there will be 1-2 international players coming in. I think we will see 1-2 mergers or acquisitions. Globally I believe it's just a matter of time when a Business Intelligence vendor will merge with a Web Analytics company. There is one really big news coming up from Helsinki...