
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Social Media training - How to do Social Media right?

Couple weeks ago I did a social media training with a small group of people coming from different organizations. This kind of social training, or should I say workshop, can be insightful and lots of fun. If you have been listening presentations in seminars and conferences, but still don't know where to start, this hands-on training is perfect for you. Before you create a Facebook page and start publishing just something about your company, you should educate your executives and the whole staff.

If you're saying that our company doesn't exist in social media - think twice! People are probably talking about your organization and products & services related to your business, already in social media.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Taking my part of guessing Nokia Microsoft marriage

My first reaction was "WTF Elop"! I have thought this Nokia Microsoft marriage couple of days now. I have read very good blog posts as well. Yes, I have found out that I don't follow the mainstream media that much anymore. And just because the content is poor. The real experts are the one who have worked in Nokia or with Symbian and MeeGo.

Picture by
Anyway, Stephen Elop wasn't the man who decided alone that Nokia is going for Windows 7 mobile. These kind of big strategic decisions usually take long time and Mr. Elop just came in. Nokia's board has been investigating this marriage a year or so. Maybe he knew about it, maybe not. His letter about Nokia's bad strategy is something you don't do without board knowing about it so that was probably part of Nokia's media game.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Key Performance Indicators to Any Advertising

Here is some of my notes regarding to Key Performance Indicators. I did a Search Engine Optimization training / workshop in Oslo last week with one of our customers. You can, and maybe you should, use this kind of measuring with any advertising? Below you can also see a picture of Key Performance Indicators report we had in SEA LIFE Helsinki case.