We will represent the rest of the WAA Finland team. Some of you may know that I've been working as a chairman and country coordinator, but now the rest of the crew is announced as well (press release, pdf). The former country manager Kalle Heinonen (Omniture) is working for events and membership, Leevi Kokko (Fruugo) is responsible for standards, Vincent Kermorgant (Nokia) has an education chair, Esa Peltonen (Sanoma) is doing marketing and Henry C. Morales (Trainers' House) takes care of privacy issues.
This is the very first local non - US local organization and with these people, I think we should get a lot of action around web analytics in Finland. And we already have created a small buzz: IT viikko published an article, Vierityspalkki wrote about us and our press release was published in swbusiness.fi / digibusiness.fi. So far, we have up to 70 attendees coming to web analytics wednesday - that's pretty well just in four days. I think we really have the right topic and momentum here! Maybe I can publish our newsletter conversion rates afterwards. ; )
If you want to join us, you can find some more information about WAA membership here. And if you want to network with (mainly) Finnish web analytics people, you can join WAA Finland Facebook group and the Linkedin Group. And as always, you can email me directly and ask anything you have in mind. So go for it - we are doing this thing for you!