
Thursday, April 2, 2009

My Resignition - April Fools' Day

I'm very sorry if my joke during April Fools' Day caused someone bad trauma. : ) This is the one I'm talking about:
"This is very short and kind of sad post. After four and a half years with Naviatech, I have decided to move on with analytics business full time. Today, I have given my resignition to the board of Naviatech. I don't know yet who will replace me as a CEO and I don't know what I'm going to do next. It's time to have a longer vacation and time with my family..."'
Atleast this created a peak of visits in my blog, as you can see.

These were the outcomes from my joke:

Phone calls: 3 (including board member and a client)
Facebook comments: 3
Facebook messages: 3
Fooled Naviatech people: 12
Job offers: zero

For some reason there are clear peaks also in the search volume with "april fools day" every year.