
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Recap, photos and videos - WAA Finland goes to Sanoma

If you missed our last event called "WAA Finland goes to Sanoma", from here you can get almost all content of the event. I mean the official content - the unofficial part ended up with singing in karaoke bar. It's almost like a tradition for some of us. =) Below you can check out photos from the event. Feel free to explore my public gallery as well.

All presentations were recorded and uploaded to WAA Finland Youtube channel. These are in HD format and because of the camera, presentations are unfortunately in two or three parts. I hope you like them anyway. All presentations are also available in Slideshare if you want to see or download them.

We arranged a voting about behavioural targeting with Emer Kirrane. Emer hosted a Web Analytics Wednesday at the very same time than we did in Helsinki. We connected via Skype during the event, had a short chat and people in Budapest were able to see the crowd in Helsinki. That was something new and fun! Feel free to contact me if you are interested about WAA membership or working for the WAA Finland.